
Big ideas from our little company.

Efficiency is in the details

Efficiency is in the details

A marketing ecosystem is complex and always moving – content flowing in and out, constant communication with potential business, website visitors morphing into humans in the sales office, Twitter followers converting into web leads. Sometimes the breadth of all that is going on feels so overwhelming, we have a tendency to bury our heads in the current project without looking at how it fits into the big picture.

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In the vast world of internet marketing, where do you fit in?

In the vast world of internet marketing, where do you fit in?

If you own a business, the idea of free marketing looks like a grasshopper to a hungry brook trout — too big to swallow, but so damn tasty. You are on a budget, understand the value of marketing, you are crafty and you know if you could just make the time, you could do it yourself.

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Take a moment to be thankful for our good fortune and eachother

Take a moment to be thankful for our good fortune and eachother

This photo was taken at the Atocha Station in Madrid, Spain in 2004 after a bomb destroyed a train from Seville, killing 191 passengers and wounding 1,800. This event touched me specifically because I was on the train prior, on my way to meet my parents in Madrid. Whenever I’m feeling bogged down by the grind, this event reminds me to take a moment, breathe, and be utterly thankful.

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A professional website needs a professional writer

A professional website needs a professional writer

Beauty in the construction of even oldest cities didn’t happen by accident. It took planning, vision, creativity and finesse. Building a website is no different than constructing a building. You wouldn’t trust the finish to an amateur, or even yourself, would you?

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We are all connected, and not just in an existential way

We are all connected, and not just in an existential way

One of the best ways to increase your ranking on Google is by linking up with other websites with content like yours. The way Google sees it, if users click through to your site from another site, the user has found that link useful. And if they stay and look around, even better. Google rewards that user behavior by increasing your site’s search ranking.

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Stand out because you’re genuine, not because you are pretty

Stand out because you’re genuine, not because you are pretty

In a world where everything seems to blend together, it’s hard to stand out. Not just on Google, but in the marketplace. Nobody cares how pretty your website is, or how high you rank for keywords, or how gorgeous the interior of your shop is if it’s not relevant to them.

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Once the foundation is laid, you are freed to focus on the fun part

Once the foundation is laid, you are freed to focus on the fun part

Accessibility in technology has created this amazing web of interconnected systems. Where your different marketing platforms can be used to reach different audiences, but function in unison. This idea does not stem from automatically tweeting out your Facebook ideas.

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Market your business like you market yourself

Market your business like you market yourself

How do you keep in touch with your friends and family? Do you systematically email them, shoot your friends a text here and there to say what’s up? Do you send holiday or birthday cards, post on their Facebook wall?

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Standing out isn’t just about ranking first on Google

Standing out isn’t just about ranking first on Google

Of course any SEO company will argue with me that that’s all that matters. But in my experience in marketing and in life, loyalty and interest stems from one thing only – trust. What makes you stand out is the quality of your product and trustworthiness of your marketing. Are you a spammer who spends money putting fake reviews on Yelp? Or do you really have the best flan in town.

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It’s a precious eco-system and your website is the center

It’s a precious eco-system and your website is the center

All of your online marketing efforts are interconnected, and not just by links. They are connected by content and user interaction. The point of having a website and a Facebook page and a Twitter account and a blog and a…

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